Mapping is a valuable tool for organizing complex material.
It allows us to use more of our brain in learning -- the linear left side and the non-linear right. At a glance, the
eyes see both textual and visual information.
Most of the maps at this website were originally created using NovaMind
4 (MAC version), and then converted to NovaMind 5. There is a Cloud version of NovaMind
for mobile and stationary devices; however, NM5 for MAC remains the best software for PDF/hyperlink sharing available.
The maps on this page below provide an overview of
mind-mapping using NovaMind4 and were created by Gideon King, developer and owner of NovaMind. For more information on mapping
using NovaMind software, visit the site linked below.
All the images selected for the maps at
on the subject of EMF have been purchased or are in the public domain. You may use them for any non-commercial purpose you
wish, including screenshots and full map images, or downloads of the PDFs.